How to buy ?

Welcome to the ECHOS Furniture online store !

For an easy experience, please read the text below, and if you have any questions, we welcome them at the e-mail address : , or at the phone numbers +40 744 375 555 or +40 745 200 880 in every day, from Monday to Saturday, between 10:00 and 19:00.

1. Do I need an account, to order ?

It is not mandatory. The Products can also be ordered, without creating an account.

2. How do I buy / order ?

To find the products you want more easily, search in the CATEGORIES menu or using the search option by product name or code. After you have added the products to the cart, all you have to do is Complete the order. ( STEPS : Add to cart / View cart / Continue with checkout ) On this page you must fill in all the fields, required for delivery. The total cost of the order is also displayed here, including delivery charges. Also here, select the desired payment method and other options available for your order. Finally, press the Place order button. After sending the order, you will receive an e-mail, confirming its registration in our system.

3. If the package contains damaged products, what do I do ?

After opening the package, if it contains damaged products or does not correspond to the products invoiced, please keep the product or products in question and contact us within 24 hours of receiving the package, at the e-mail address :

4. I am a legal person, can I order online ?

Of course. The site is addressed to both, individuals and legal entities. In the Complete order stage, select individual or legal entity and fill in the required fields.

5. In which countries can the products be delivered ?

The products can be delivered to the following countries : France, Belgium, Luxembourg, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Austria, Hungary, Slovakia, Czech Republic, Poland, Bulgaria, Greece, Denmark .